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Tree Advice for Architects and Developers

Development Site
A beautiful tree in a restricted location.

Arboricultural Surveys to British Standard 5837

The quality and value of new developments is enhanced by the retention and integration of existing trees providing they are in good condition and appropriately sited in relation to buildings.

This can best be assured if trees are surveyed before development plans are drawn up. This will reduce the likelihood of damage during development or premature removal at a later date. JCA can provide tree surveys at design stage to the specifications set out in British Standard 5837: 1991 ‘Guide for Trees In Relation To Construction.’

The provision of a topographical survey (which can be e-mailed to us) ideally forms the basis of our digital survey plan which features accurately drawn crown spreads and shapes with colour coding to illustrate the ‘retention category’ of each tree. Plans are provided to scale where required and can be emailed back to your designer to overlay onto the proposal.

Arboricultural Implication Study

For major developments or developments on sensitive sites a more strategic appraisal of a site's tree cover and the impact of proposals can be provided in order to assist with plan preparation and to promote sustainable development.

Arboricultural Method Statements

Method statements for arboricultural works are increasingly stipulated as a planning condition by local authorities on development sites where trees may be particularly vulnerable.

Our comprehensive statements provide a schedule of operations both before and during the development phase as well as a framework for communication and supervision.

Planting Schemes

New development often provides opportunities for new planting which, if chosen wisely, will integrate successfully, and improve the overall balance of tree cover on a site. The introduction of young trees can help to ensure continuity of cover, provide screening, improve the diversity of species and add general amenity value. We are not landscape designers but our specialist knowledge of trees enables us to make the right choices for new planting which will enhance developments with immediate effect and long into the future.

Our tree planting schemes are designed to complement existing stock, add interest and diversity and avoid tree related problems in the future.

Trees and the Planning System

JCA can provide full support and advice on planning applications involving trees at all stages of the process.

Where developments are proposed which have implications for trees covered by Tree Preservation Orders or other planning constraints, JCA is happy to liaise with local authorities and manage applications for necessary works.

Where public inquiries or planning appeals are involved, we can provide experienced expert witnesses to assist with your case.

Recent customers

Recent customers include: Aedas AHR, Building Design Partnership, Consort Homes, Crest Homes, Crosby Homes, English Heritage, Environment Agency, Hearthstead Homes, Jesus College Cambridge, Knight Frank, Land Use Consultants, Marshalls Construction, Mowlem, Popplewell Associates, Royal Parks Commission, RPS, Yorkshire Electricity, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Yorkshire Water.

Copyright JCA Ltd 2004
Unit 80, Bowers Mill, Branch Road, Barkisland, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX4 0AD
Tel: 01422 376335     Fax: 01422 376232

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